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Autumn Retreat

Women's health, connecting to your own rhythm
Autumn energy is all about growth & expansion

26th-28th April 2024

Aio Wira Centre, Te Henga, West Auckland

Investment: $699 - $799



You are invited to a weekend of deliciousness.


Nestled into the Waitakere Ranges is a peaceful place called Aio Wira Center. Join me for a weekend of beautiful food in breathtaking nature, inspiring workshops and Qigong practices. This retreat is all about Women's hormonal health.  We will be flowing with the Autumn energy,  related to growth and expansion. Gratitude, prosperity and clearing anything that no longer serves you.

You will gain an understanding of:


Foods that feed the soul and nourish your hormonal health.

Learning about what types of foods to eat

Learning about your own cyclic rhythm with food.

Plus a take-home bonus  7-day meal plan of beautiful recipes.



Learning a daily somatic practice to integrate into your life. A felt sense of the mind/body connection and how important it is. A sense of your own cyclic rhythm and what you need to feel connected. We will be doing daily practice of Qigong.



A space created for you to check in with yourself to reassess what is important to you. What lights you up and brings you joy? What are the roadblocks around this? And what do you want to clear and cleanse to bring in new growth and expansion.



A naturopathic understanding of the pillars of hormonal health and what is happening in your body when this gets put under too much pressure.


A bit about me, Coryn


I have been in the wellness industry for 25 years, I am a qualified, naturopath and bodyworker. With a clinic, in west Auckland, I also run online group programs and workshops. I am an experienced retreat facilitator. I am passionate about the breath and mind-body connection that something like Qigong can create.

I have completed my teacher training in Qigong. So I can share this with my clients. I am a foodie and just love the concept of food for health and love teaching this to others.


I love the magic that unfolds when we are in a space that allows us to just be, and the energy a retreat takes on.

I love having a bit of a laugh and remembering that we all have a playful side and as adults this sometimes gets forgotten. My 3 kids remind me of this, and I am grateful for that.​

My jam is helping you find your jam.

Just returned from Coryn’s Spring Weekend Retreat and am buzzing. Her ability to hold space, guide & enable, and her deep knowledge of women’s health & wellbeing is inspiring. I felt well supported, safe and had my questions answered in a down-to-earth way that left me feeling empowered and in control of my newly established self-care plan. Looking forward to the next opportunity to work with her. Couldn’t recommend Coryn Smith Wellness more highly!

- Ronja Schipper

A bit about Qigong


“Qigong changes your life and helps you to experience something bigger than yourself.”


I love this quote from my Qigong teacher who is a  Master of Taiji Quan & Qi Gong. I was drawn to qigong many years ago. I dabbled but yoga took the front stage for a while. I found myself being called back to Qigong and have just recently finished a teacher training course.


Qigong is a safe and gentle practices and any body can do it. 

You don't need to be a master or have experience.


I find it to be the most beautiful, powerful, expansive somatic practice I have done and I have done a lot. “Qi” means life force and “Gong” means mastery of life force.


It has gentle movements that can have such a profound impact on the body and mind. I like to use it with my clients to teach them about ways to regulate the nervous system and to help move through stuck old patterns. 


Teaching Qigong in a retreat group setting is powerful. And something that I love to share with people that come on my retreats.


This weekend retreat is for you if you:


  •  Like to learn more about Naturopathic principles for Hormonal  health 

  • Like to learn about using  food to bio hack your hormones. 

  • Like some new inspiration and some delicious recipes.

  • Like to recharge and reset

  • Want to connect into what you need to grow and expand 

  • Are feeling rushed and overwhelmed

  • Are feeling disconnected to yourself and what you need

  • Like to get a nature buzz, feel the earth under your feet,  soak in the amazing stars, and have the  most beautiful rugged west coast beach just 5 mins down the road

  • Love to feel the magic that happens when a group of women gather on retreat

  • Like to have a bit of a laugh and remember the joy in life

  • Like to get an understanding and an experience in mind/body integration through Qigong and breathwork

  • Like to take a break from cooking or looking after anyone else for the weekend



$799 for your own room, shared bathroom
$699 shared twin room, shared bathroom

Including: Accommodation, the use of the spa and sauna,  all workshops plus handouts, Qigong, nourishing food for the weekend. Bonus: 7-day Healthy hormone meal plan that includes 21 recipes with a shopping list. Plus 20% of any online courses I offer for the next 3mths.

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About the Venue:

Aio Wira is nestled within the beautiful native bush of the Waitakere ranges, only 30 mins from central Ak. It is a place where you can feel held in nature.  Without all the distractions and hustle and bustle of life. 


A place where you can connect into your natural rhythm.

You can chill on the peaceful grounds, or stroll through the bush down to the river. A short drive down the road takes you to the stunning breathtaking West Coast beach called Te Henga (Bethells Beach).


 Spa and Sauna: A magical way to finish your day,  If your a fan of star gazing the spa are pretty special. 


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Weekend Schedule
Weekend Schedule
Fri 26th April 2024

1.30pm - Arrival from  settle in -  Welcome 4.30pm

6:30pm: Dinner

7:30 pm: Opening circle

Sat 27th April 2024

7:30 - 8:00 am: morning movement: Qigong practice

8:00 am: Breakfast

9:30 - 11:30 am: Workshop

12:00 pm: Lunch

After lunch: Free time. Options are to just put your feet up, enjoy the scenery, or go for one of the beautiful river/bush walks/beach that are at your doorstep. Have a spa or sauna

4:30 - 5:30 pm: Guided meditation and journaling

6:30 pm: Dinner followed by free time

8.00pm Qigong sleepy time and or stargazing in the spa

Sun 28th April 2024
Meditation sanctuary interior.JPG

8:00 - 9:00 am: Qigong

9:00 am: Breakfast

10:00 - 12:00 pm: Workshop

12:30 pm: Lunch

1:30 - 2:30 pm: Closing circle

For all enquiries
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