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Online Group Programs

On-line Program

7-Day Spring Detox: 
Fast like a Queen

Spring Reset


​Feeling overwhelmed about where to start with your health? Wanting to increase your energy and metabolic health? Want to connect and be supported by a community of like minded people? 

This is a supported 7-day online course. teaching your intermittent fasting and a spring fast. 


Next Course starts: Sunday 13th to 20th October : 2024

On-line Program

Finding your Rhythm
28-day Hormone Reset


Bringing balance back into your hormonal health


Are you burnt out, tired, fizzy or flat?  You may be feeling overwhelmed, and asking the questions, how to get back to myself? 

I get it and I help women wade through all of the stuff that gets in the way. 


This is a 28-day online reset with an optional  3-day fast at the end.


Next Course starts: 11th September -7th : 202 4

On-line Prgram

 3 mth Perimenopause

Transitioning into Your Power


Are you feeling overwhelmed with the changes happening to your body? Are you feeling tired? Are you experiencing symptoms that you may never have experienced before?


Have you lost your passion/ purpose?


Next Course starts: 2024


I did the 7 day metabolic reset with Coryn and a group of lovely people. Would totally recommend doing this. Coryn's expertise and experience in providing the yummiest, easy to make recipes and great support through the week as well as group support from fellow fasters. I will be doing this again!

-Sue Bowers

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