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Nourished Woman:

A Journey to Wellness




Welcome to "Nourished Woman: A Journey to Wellness,"

a 3-month online program that’s a sacred space where science meets spirit, and modern wellness practices dance with ancient woman craft wisdom.




This program is designed to nurture your body, mind, and soul, guiding you toward a harmonious and empowered life.

This deep work takes time, and to honor this process  I have crafted  a 3 month program to really help implement and integrate the learnings. 


Embark on Your Journey to Wellness

This is an online, fully supported naturopathic program


Supporting Women's Hormone Heath at every stage of your journey



Yes I would like to know more

Hey, I'm Coryn

Hi, I’m Coryn, and I just love working with online groups. There’s something truly magical about the power of community—the way we can connect, support, and uplift each other, even from afar.


With over 20 years of experience as a Naturopath and Herbalist, I’ve had the honor of running clinics, workshops, wellbeing retreats, and guiding women through the transformative practice of fasting. 


I would love for you to join me on this next program, where we’ll journey together through this season of change, growth, and empowerment.


About this program


​​Feminine Foundations

  • Begin by grounding yourself in the essentials. We’ll explore the foundational elements that support women’s health, helping you reconnect with your body's innate wisdom. This is where your journey starts—laying the groundwork for transformation.


Sacred Supports

  • Discover the sacred supports that will carry you through this journey. From nourishing foods to rituals that honor your feminine nature, you’ll learn how to create a lifestyle that sustains you on every level. 


Cycle Knowledge: Connecting to Your Rhythm

  • Dive deep into the mysteries of your cycles. Understand the ebb and flow of your energy, emotions, and thoughts as they align with your hormonal rhythms. Learn how to harness this knowledge to empower yourself in every phase of your life.


Empowering Women Through Their Hormonal Journey

  • This program is a celebration of your hormonal journey. We’ll delve into the science and the sacred, exploring how to balance your hormones naturally while reclaiming your power and intuition. No matter where you are on your hormonal path—whether you're just beginning, in the midst of changes, or transitioning into your wise woman phase— I am here to support you. If you’re stepping into this next chapter of life, you’ll learn how to embrace it with grace, wisdom, and strength.


Reclamation of Self and Intuition

  • Rediscover the woman you are meant to be. Through practices that nurture your intuition and self-awareness, you’ll reclaim the parts of yourself that have been forgotten or silenced.


Crafting Your Rituals and Self-Care Practices

  • Rituals are the heartbeat of this program. You’ll learn how to craft personalized rituals that nourish your soul, support your nervous system, and bring a sense of sacredness to your daily life.


Soul Foods: Nutrition That Makes Sense

  • Feed your body and soul with nutrition that aligns with your needs as a woman. We’ll explore foods that support hormone balance, vitality, and overall well-being, making nourishment an act of self-love.


Fasting Like a Queen

  • Learn the art of fasting in a way that honors your body. I will guide you through a juice fast that is both nourishing and transformative, designed to reset your system and rejuvenate your spirit. Please note, fasting is not for everyone, and it is optional over the program. 


Empowering Women's Connection Through Community and Self-Reflection

  • You’re not alone on this journey. Connect with a community of like-minded women who are on the same path. Together, we’ll share, reflect, and grow, creating bonds that last beyond the program.


Nervous System Regulation

  • In a world that often pulls us out of balance, nervous system regulation is key. We’ll dive into practices that calm and soothe, helping you find peace amidst the chaos.


Somatic Integration

  • Integrate the wisdom of your body with the knowledge of your mind. Through somatic practices, you’ll learn how to listen to your body’s signals and respond with compassion and care.


Metabolic Wisdom

  • Unlock the secrets of your metabolism. We’ll explore how to work with your body’s natural rhythms to boost energy, enhance vitality, and maintain balance.​​​


Who is this program for?

This program is for women who are ready to spend a season unwinding, deeply diving into change, and reclaiming their health and vitality. If you’re seeking to connect with your inner wisdom, embrace your cycles, and transform your relationship with your body, this journey is for you. Whether you’re navigating hormonal changes, seeking balance in your life, or simply wanting to feel more aligned and empowered, this program will support you every step of the way.


What you'll Receive:


  • One-on-One Introductory Session : A personalized session to set your intentions and tailor the program to your unique needs.

  • Three Check-Ins: Monthly check ins to keep you on track, provide support, and adjust your journey as needed.

  • Weekly  Zoom Sessions: Join live sessions that include teachings, discussions, and practices designed to deepen your experience.

  • Reconnecting with Soul Food + Juice Fast: Guidance and support for a nourishing juice fast, along with teachings on foods that heal and balance.

  • Community Learning Hub: Access a wealth of resources in our learning hub, a space where you can learn, grow, and connect with others.

  • Video Library: Dive into our library of videos, including:

  • Guides to Somatic Movement:

  • Meditation Guidelines: 

  • Qigong Forms: 




Ready to Begin?

Applications are now open. Please book here for a chat to see if this program is right for you. I look forward to connecting with you and guiding you on this transformative journey. â€‹







FAQs for "Nourished Woman: A Journey to Wellness"


 What is the "Nourished Woman: A Journey to Wellness" program all about?

This 3-month online program is a deep dive into women's wellness, focusing on hormone balance, cyclic health, vitality, energy, and more. You'll explore the rhythms of your cycle, learn to nourish your body and soul, and reconnect with your innate wisdom through rituals, somatic integration, and mindful practices. The journey is designed to empower you to reclaim your vitality, energy, and sense of self.


How is this program different from other wellness courses?

Unlike other wellness programs, "Nourished Woman" blends modern science with ancient woman craft wisdom. It's a holistic journey that honors your cyclic nature, weaving together elements like hormonal health, nervous system regulation, and intuitive self-care. This program is as much about learning as it is about remembering and reclaiming your feminine power.


What can I expect to gain from this program?

By the end of this course, you can expect to have a deeper understanding of your body's rhythms, practical tools for hormone balance, and a rich connection to your inner wisdom. You'll also learn how to nourish yourself with soul food, regulate your nervous system, and embrace rituals that support your overall well-being.


How is the program structured?

The program is spread over three months, offering weekly Zoom sessions, one-on-one check-ins, and access to a community learning hub. You’ll also have access to a library of videos on somatic movement, meditation, and Qigong, along with guides to support you on your journey. The course is broken down into several key areas including Feminine Foundations, Sacred Supports, Cycle Knowledge, and more.


 What kind of support will I receive during the program?

You’ll have plenty of support throughout the program, including weekly group Zoom sessions where we connect, share, and learn together. There are also one-on-one sessions and regular check-ins to ensure you're getting the most out of the course. Plus, the community learning hub offers a space to connect with other women on the same journey.


Who is this program for?

"Nourished Woman" is for any woman who feels called to reconnect with her body, reclaim her vitality, and embrace her cyclical nature. Whether you're navigating the perimenopause transition, feeling fatigued, or simply want to deepen your connection to yourself, this program is designed to support you.


How much time will I need to commit each week?

The weekly Zoom sessions typically last about 60 minutes, and additional time will be needed for the one-on-one check-ins and exploring the video library. However, the program is designed to be flexible, so you can engage with the content at your own pace.


What if I can’t attend a live session?

All live Zoom sessions are recorded and made available for you to watch at your convenience. So, if you miss a session, you can always catch up later.


Do I need any prior experience with these topics?

No prior experience is necessary! This program is designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey. Whether you're new to these concepts or have been exploring them for years, you'll find value and growth in this course.


How do I sign up or learn more?

This course is via application only, so we can see if we are the right fit for each other. If you would like to know more information please book a free discovery call.   I’m here to answer any questions you may have and help you decide if this program is the right fit for you.


Is there a payment plan option?

Yes there is, please get in touch to discuss further,



What people are saying about working with me.



Coryn's depth of presence is matched by her knowledge and capacity to heal. She is deeply invested in the process of wellbeing and has the knowledge and skills to support people both in a recovery process and also towards greater health and bodily awareness.


- Trisha Cassidy April 2023   


I've just completed the Reset with Coryn. I felt supported the whole journey and took away so much more than I had initially signed up for which was to learn how to safely fast. It caught me by surprise how much energy that I had after the 3 day juice fast. I now be making fasting a regular part of my health and wellness as well as adding a lot more protein to my diet as even though I was eating fairly healthy before the reset it wasn't enough protein. I liked how the focus wasn't just on food it was about all the pillars that make up a healthy lifestyle. 

   Melanie Nicol April 2024


Thank you Coryn for the fabulous Reset programme. I’ve got so much from it  - nutritious meals with easy recipes, fantastic info & awesome group support. I’m feeling so much better, inspired with cooking again, but above all making sustainable changes for improved gut health. Total game changer! Xx

- Kelly Wood, April 2023


Doing the hormone reset with Coryn Smith Wellness has been nothing short of amazing. Coryn's wealth of knowledge and engaging approach not only makes the journey insightful but also fun, creating a transformative experience that goes beyond just physical well-being.

- Toni Paltridge Jan 2024

If you have any questions about the program please get in touch.

Let's Chat. Please book a free 15 min discovery phone call to see if the course is right for you.

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